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South London Street Party

Brixton High Street, 6 June 1998

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Two cars collide in a cloud of orange smoke, at each end of the party...
... and people surge into the space. (Having the party at the gathering site is a neat double-bluff - but, dear FIT, don't bank on it.)
Quite a lot later, the banners are up. Stop Tube Privatisation, Support the Tube Workers made its first appearance on the M41, and this Reclaim the Streets banner in Birmingham.
Under the tarmac flows the river - the Effra flows under this street, and of course under the cobbles, the beach!
Cars my arse and Streets for people with a great nonverbal banner.
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Drummers... ... more drummers...
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... stylish dancers... ... and the throng.
Bus shelters were meant to be danced on...
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... and streets to be playgrounds... ... with shade, cushions, snacks...
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... and, of course, the beach. It was hot, and the kids declared it a nudist beach. Tut. We choose which stupid laws to defy and when, so here's an obscene photo instead.
All photos except the last © 1998 Sheila. Text reports start here.